miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

{Genealogia Norte} 1885 RootsMagic News - RootsMagic 6 Released

RootsMagic News - RootsMagic 6 Released
RootsMagic News

Copyright © 2002-12 RootsMagic, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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see links on right.

  • RootsMagic 6 is Here!
  • Ninth Annual Special Holiday Offer
  • Webinar Tomorrow: "What's New in RootsMagic 6"
  • Press Release: New RootsMagic 6 Software Released
  • User Groups Around the World
  • Upcoming Events



RootsMagic 6 is Here!

We are excited to announce the release of RootsMagic 6.  We have added some of our most requested features: online publishing, the ability to search every record (not just people), an editable timeline view (very powerful), and new WebTags which let you link people, sources, places and research log items to web pages.  Plus dozens of other great features and enhancements.  There's a little something for everyone.

Learn more about What's New on our website or by attending our free webinar.

How to Order
If you are a current paid user of RootsMagic, you can upgrade for just $19.95.  New users may purchase RootsMagic 5 for only $29.95.

The fastest and easiest way to order is online at:


You can also order by phone at 800-766-8762, but with the high volume of calls we are anticipating, you may need to leave your name and phone number for us to call you back.

RootsMagic is available as a download or on CD.  The download is available right now, but the CDs (and optional book) will ship the week of December 17.  If you order a CD, you will also receive the download immediately.

Ninth Annual Special Holiday Offer

With the holidays coming up, we often get requests from our users about buying copies of RootsMagic to give as gifts to their family or friends.  
In what has become an annual tradition, RootsMagic owners can buy discounted copies of our software to give as gifts.
Brand New Version 6!
Once again our Holiday Special hits at the exact same time as the release of a new version.  During this special holiday sale, you can order gift copies of RootsMagic 6 for just $19.95 (plus shipping).  Even better, you can order our other products at that same $19.95 price.

There is no limit on the number of discounted gift copies you can buy during this limited time offer which will expire December 20, 2012. You will receive the full program for each copy you order.

To take advantage of this offer, just visit:
or order by phone at 1-800-ROOTSMAGIC (1-800-766-8762).

Webinar Tomorrow: "What's New in RootsMagic 6"

We will also be having a webinar "What's New in RootsMagic 6" tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7PM MST where we'll show you all the great new stuff in RootsMagic 6.  If you would like to join us (I'm sure this one will fill up fast), you can sign up at:


6PM Pacific Time
7PM Mountain Time
8PM Central Time
9PM Eastern Time
2AM GMT (Wednesday)

If you can't attend the webinar, it will be recorded and available to watch for free with any of the rest of our webinars at:


And just in case you want to read all the great marketing words and quotes we are supposed to say, I have included the "official press release" at the bottom of this email ;-)

- Bruce


New RootsMagic 6 Software Released

Latest Version of Genealogy and Family Tree Software Now Available to the Public

SPRINGVILLE, Utah. — November 19, 2012 — RootsMagic, Inc. today announced the official release of RootsMagic 6, the latest version of the award-winning genealogy software which makes researching, organizing, and sharing your family history easy and enjoyable.  With this release comes an update to the popular "RootsMagic Essentials" free genealogy software.

Family History Made Easy

Family Tree Magazine said RootsMagic is "probably the best all-around genealogy program" and "offers a winning combination of features for both casual and serious genealogists."

Throughout it's 11-year history, RootsMagic has helped people research and share their family trees with innovative features such as moving people from one file to another with your mouse, a SourceWizard to help you document your work, creating a Shareable CD to give to family and friends, and running RootsMagic off of a USB flash drive when you are away from home.  RootsMagic has also received numerous awards, including the award for "Easiest to Sync" from FamilySearch for their work in interfacing with that system.

New Features

RootsMagic 6 adds many new features while making existing features even easier to use.  "This release includes something for everybody," said Bruce Buzbee, president.  "Whether you want an easier way to share your family history with family or are looking for better tools to help you organize your work, RootsMagic 6 has something new for you."  New features include:

  • Online Publishing - Easily share your information online, including notes, sources, and pictures.  Choose which information to include, then publish it to your own page at my.RootsMagic.com.
  • Live Timeline View - A live-edit panel on RootsMagic's timeline view makes this one of the most powerful editing features ever!  Make corrections to your data while viewing it in context with other family members life events.
  • Find Everywhere - With a single search you can now find every  record in your file containing the text you want.  Quickly find people, families, notes, sources, places, to-do items, research logs, and more.  Then edit those found records directly from the search results.
  • WebTags - Link people, sources, places, and more to websites using RootsMagic 6's new WebTags.
  • CountyCheck Explorer - Look up a county, state, or country from a multi-national database.  It can even show you online maps of county boundaries for that date.
  • Plus dozens of other enhancements and features

Free "RootsMagic Essentials"

RootsMagic 6 is also available in an updated, free edition named, "RootsMagic 6 Essentials".  RootsMagic Essentials contains many core features from the RootsMagic software and the two products are fully-compatible with one another.  "Many people are curious about their family history and don't know where to begin," said Michael Booth, vice president.  "RootsMagic Essentials is the perfect way for someone to get started, risk-free."  RootsMagic Essentials is available for download at http://www.rootsmagic.com.

Available Now

RootsMagic 6 is now available online at http://www.rootsmagic.com or by calling 1-800-766-8762.  New users may purchase RootsMagic 6 for only $29.95.  Users of previous versions of RootsMagic and it's predecessor, Family Origins may purchase RootsMagic 6 for the upgrade price of only $19.95.

About RootsMagic, Inc.

For over 20 years, RootsMagic, Inc. has been creating computer software with a special purpose- to unite families. One of our earliest products- the popular "Family Origins" software, introduced thousands of people to the joy and excitement of family history.

That tradition continues today with "RootsMagic", our award-winning genealogy software which makes researching, organizing, and sharing your family history fun and easy. "Personal Historian" will help you easily write and preserve your life stories. "Family Reunion Organizer" takes the headaches out of planning those important get-togethers. And "Family Atlas" creates beautiful and educational geographic maps of your family history.

For more information, visit www.rootsmagic.com.
Source: RootsMagic, Inc.

User Groups Around the World

There are RootsMagic user groups all over the world, and several more start up every month.  Users are looking to start up user groups in Australia, Bermuda, Canada, England, Germany, Mexico, Panama, and South Africa.

To find out if there is a user group in your part of the world, or if you would like to help start a user group in your area, visit:


Upcoming Events

Here's a list of the places RootsMagic will be exhibiting, teaching classes or doing workshops.

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(desde mi Blackberry )
Benicio Samuel Sanchez
Genealogista e Historiador Familiar

Email: samuelsanchez@genealogia.org.mx
Website:  http://www.Genealogia.org.mx
Office (81) 8393 0011         Cellphone 811+513+8354  Skype: Genealogia.org.mx

"Haz tu Arbol Genealogico...El Arbol mas Hermoso de la Creacion"
Por medio de la historia familiar descubrimos el árbol más hermoso de la creación: nuestro árbol genealógico. Sus numerosas raíces se remontan a la historia y sus ramas se extienden a través de la eternidad. La historia familiar es la expresión extensiva del amor eterno; nace de la abnegación y provee la oportunidad de asegurarse para siempre una unidad familiar".
(Élder J. Richard Clarke, Liahona julio de 1989, pág.69)

Has recibido este mensaje porque estás suscrito al grupo "Genealogia Mexico Norte" de Grupos de Google.
Para publicar una entrada en este grupo, envía un correo electrónico a genealogia-mexico-norte@googlegroups.com.
Para anular tu suscripción a este grupo, envía un correo electrónico a genealogia-mexico-norte+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
Para tener acceso a más opciones, visita el grupo en http://groups.google.com/group/genealogia-mexico-norte?hl=es.

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