Dear Primos and friends . . .
Thank you for your interest in your heritage, for wanting to know more about your history, and for the wonderful information that you share with Somos Primos.
It is always fascinating to open my emails and read little known or unknown facts and historical tidbits. It is particularly fun to share the successes of Latinos, especially when I have their surname in my pedigree.
My Thanksgiving prayer is one of gratefulness for the blessing of being an American, carrying both indigenous and European lines . . . . a proud mestiza, with the world's families in my veins.
God bless America, Mimi
Somos Primos November 2012
Vote your values
Larry, the Flag Man
The Catholic Church is the oldest Christian denomination in the world
Smithsonian features US national anthem in Spanish
Hispanics Breaking Barriers, Second Vol 2 12th Issue, by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
Jorge Ramos and María Elena Salinas on the Rise of Hispanic America
Racial Wealth Gap Information and Solutions from the Black Star Project
Ten Key Solutions for Black Economic Well-Being
Esai Morales"Actorvist" honored with Hispanic 100 Lifetime Achievement Award
Marta Tienda, A Wise Latina by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
Jose Marquez: Hispanic Heritage Month Trailblazer
Callejo at 87: Heroic, Impassioned, Unstoppable by Rosie Carbo
American Capitalism Gone With A Whimper
Celebrating 30 Years of News and Entertainment at the largest gathering of Hispanic
print media in the United States by Kirk Whisler, winners in 91 categories.
César E. Chávez National Monument, official park of the National Park System
LULAC Acclaims Establishment of César E. Chávez National Monument in California
American Latino Heritage Fund Commits $150K to Establish the Home of
Iconic Leader
Proposed National Museum of the American Latino Needs Bipartisan Action
by Rosie Carbo
Friends of the American Latino Museum
Interior Designates 27 New National Landmarks Landmarks Honor Nation's
Cultural and Natural Heritage
Support Sought to Preserve the Trujillo Adobe in Riverside County, California
Dr. Hector P. Garcia and President Bill Clinton by Wanda Garcia
Honoring and Emulating my Ancestor's Accomplishments
by Margaret Morán, National President of LULAC
La Raza Unida Party de California: 1997-1974 by Jimmy Franco Sr.
Friedrich Katz, 1927-2010 Por Javier Garciadiego Dantan
Comparison of gasoline prices, 2008 and 2012
Bakken Company Boom: North Dakota Breaks Its Oil Production Record,
Capacity of the United States to Produce Oil
They left out the ocean as a source of energy
Federal Energy Failure
The Impact of Federal Regulations on U.S. Manufacturing
Proposed Budget Cuts
Anaheim doctor arrested in U.S. fraud sweep
Medicare Fraud Strike Force has brought charges against 91 people in 7 cities
Have a crackpot idea? Get government funding
Baptist Colleges Sue Federal Government Over HHS-Abortion Mandate
Hispanic and Women Farmers and Ranchers Claims Filing Period Now Open
Dreamer, A True American Story
Argentinian Constitution of 1853 based on the California Constitution of 1849
Food Justice on Four Wheels by Devon G. Peña
Culture Crisis" instead of a "Health Care Crisis by Starner Jones, M.D.
Heart Rescue Now
From the Perspective of Time by Daisy Wanda Garcia
Parent Institute for Quality Education
National Hispanic Business Woman Association, Adopt-a-Scholar
Enrollment Drops Again in Graduate Programs by Catherine Rampell
Matt Garcia Named Director of School of Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies Nahuatl, the Aztec language that once graced Canutillo Elementary
was displaced by pragmatism By Meili Robles
Arizona is not Alone in Having Banned the Study of Cultural Diversity and Ethnicity
in its Public Schools - New Mexico
Dia de los Muertos on Facebook, cartoon by Sergio Hernandez
McArthur Fellowships
Hatajo de negritos & Son de los Diablos: Two Fascinating Afro-Peruvian celebration
Bless Me, Ultima, review of the movie adapatation by Felipe de Ortego y Gasca
The Pence Gallery's Mission
Oral history interview with Judithe Hernandez, 1998
Documentaries, Living Portraits of Prominent Latinos, Volumes 1 and 11
Somos en escrito
The Poem as Spiritual Exercise
Red Herring: The Stinking Trail by Joe Sanchez and Mo Dhania
Militarizing the Border: When Mexicans Became the Enemy by Miguel Antonio Levario
Ernesto Uribe's Three Books
Mariachi for Gringos II by Gil Perry
El Camino to Jarales:Purgatorial Confessions with Don Manuel by Oscar S. Ramirez
El Rio by Michael Neale
Joe Belman, WWII Vet Receives Long Overdue Medals at JJC Ceremony (2009)
8 minute color film about the June 1942 Battle of Midway Island
Brigadier General Wiltz P. Segura
Long-missing Colorado Marine buried with full honors
65th Borinqueneers Seeking Recognition
American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans: Lasting Contributions
Lambeau Fiedl Honors Our Military
State of Washington Seeks donations of period uniforms
November 10th: The Tejano Battle of Medina
Battle of Medina to be taught in schools throughout Texas in the 7th grade
Gonzalo de Salazar
"Los Piscadores" postcard triggers memories for Tom Saenz
Resources for beginning research
Courthouse Research Tips from the Virtual Genealogy Conference
National Geographic's Genographic Project
November 10th: SHHAR Monthly meeting, Jerry P. Martinez
Alfredo Amezcua, New President of the Kiwanis Club of Santa Ana
Olive St. Westminster Reunion, Heroes Honor Presentation
McCoy-Hare House, Westminster, Built 1873-74
On the Tracks to the Westminster Mexican Barrio, 1870-1940, Part 5 of 6
Nov 2 & 3: Danza Floricanto/USA's
Nov 8: MALDEF 2012 Los Angeles Awards Gala
George Yepes: Los Angeles "Sacred Memories" "SPARC 35 Year Celebration
Los Angeles State Historic Park at the Cornfield--"A Heroic Monument" and
"A Symbol of Hope
Nov 13: A Pilot Fourth Grade Project, California's State Birthday by Galal Kernahan
Nov 18: Victor Villasenor's 20th annual potluck at the Villasenor rancho
New book by Villasenor: "Revenge of a Catholic Schoolboy"
Recognizing "Remarkable Mexicans" who have lived or are living in San Diego County
Royal Chicano Air Force
November 1: Reading by Arturo Madrid, In the Country of Empty Crosses:
The Story of a Hispano Protestant Family in Catholic New Mexico
From professor to politico: Joseph Gallegos
19th Century Photos of the American West
Photo of a Spanish rock inscription from 1726
The Eugene Acosta Marin papers
Salazar creates Sangre de Cristo Conservation Area
The Sernas of New Mexico Newsletter
Historic Clifton-Morenci Strike of 1915
History Often Trails But It Corrects Itself by Rodolfo F. Acuña
Louisiana Historical Center
The Young Lords in Lincoln Park Project at GVSU
Canary Islanders Heritage Society Mounted Display at Assumption Parish Library
Alhaurin de la Torre and New Iberia, Sister Cities
Angel of Goliad
Angel of Goliad - Francisca Alavez or Alvarez? by Dan Alvarez Garza
Report on 33rd Annual Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference by
José Antonio López
Eddie Garcia and Irma Saldana, in front of ancestral file created by Crispin Rendon
Conversos on the Rio Grande Frontier by conference presentor, Norman Rozeff
Presentor, José Adrián Barragán Shares Resources for Searching Among
Texas General Land Office Archives and Records
San Antonio 9th Annual San Antonio Founders Day
Delgado v. Bastrop Case and Photo of Delgado Lawyers, Michael A. Olivas
The Chicano Movement Changed Education in South Texas: Elpidio Lizcano
Annual Tejano Vigil in the Alamo Shrine
Exceeding Expectations: 3rd Annual Rosarito Beach International Mariachi and
Folklórico Festival by Gil Sperry
Historic Frida Kahlo photo returns to Mexico by Ron Gonzales
VII Reunion Internacional De Los Elizondo
Investigó y paleografió de Tte. Corl. Ricardo R. Palmerín Cordero.
Bautismo: Pedro Bernardino Español, Fué Presidente de la Republica.
Defuncion: Pedro Maria Anaya
Bautismo: Isidro Salazar Rodriguez
Bautismo: Ignacio Guerra Cañamar
Missions of Michoacán: San Nicolás de Obispo
Sacred Land Film Project
Countdown: The date is finally here! The end of a Mayan 5,125 year cycle.?
Video interview with the artist, James Ayers
Two Worlds: Lost Children of the Indian Adoption Projects.
Lack of Access to Health Care & Ancient Wisdom Behind Revival by Devon G. Peña
A Little Humor
Tomb of Maya queen K'abel discovered in Guatemala
Mexico: Mayan ball court was celestial 'marker'
Google Street View now available for Mexico archaeological sites
Nov 13: The Forgetting River by by Doreen Carvajal
Mongolian Spot by Mimi Lozano
Contemporary Sephardic Identity in the Americas
by Margalit Bejarano and Edna Aizenberg
Sephardim paper by Hebrew Bible teacher, Rabbi Joseph Zavala
A Place in the Heights, Jimmy Franco Sr.
Lost Legends: Cinematic Documentary Series and Traveling Exhibit
Wild Pigs May Be a Solution
Operation Pedro Pan Group, Inc.
Carmen Iris Veg crowned Miss Manati Puerto Rico in Chica
Argentinian Constitution of 1853 based on the California Constitution of 1849
Fundación Archivo Gráfico y Museo Histórico, San Francisco, Argentina
Zacapa, eastern Guatemala
Reminiscing The Days of Yore by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
First Filipinos in America landed in Morro Bay, California on October 18, 1587.
PARES – Important Research resources by Sonia Meza Morales and Debbie Gurtler
The surname LUACES, Peter E. Carp
Promocion del Idioma, El Instituto Cervantes por Angel Custodio Rebollo
Kingdom of the Canary Islands
Recipe for Derbyshire Oatcakes, sent by reader in England
This notification is sent as a service. If you prefer not to receive it, just let me know.
Dear Primos and friends . . .
Thank you for your interest in your heritage, for wanting to know more about your history, and for the wonderful information that you share with Somos Primos.
It is always fascinating to open my emails and read little known or unknown facts and historical tidbits. It is particularly fun to share the successes of Latinos, especially when I have their surname in my pedigree.
My Thanksgiving prayer is one of gratefulness for the blessing of being an American, carrying both indigenous and European lines . . . . a proud mestiza, with the world's families in my veins.
God bless America, Mimi
Somos Primos November 2012
Vote your values
Larry, the Flag Man
The Catholic Church is the oldest Christian denomination in the world
Smithsonian features US national anthem in Spanish
Hispanics Breaking Barriers, Second Vol 2 12th Issue, by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
Jorge Ramos and María Elena Salinas on the Rise of Hispanic America
Racial Wealth Gap Information and Solutions from the Black Star Project
Ten Key Solutions for Black Economic Well-Being
Esai Morales"Actorvist" honored with Hispanic 100 Lifetime Achievement Award
Marta Tienda, A Wise Latina by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
Jose Marquez: Hispanic Heritage Month Trailblazer
Callejo at 87: Heroic, Impassioned, Unstoppable by Rosie Carbo
American Capitalism Gone With A Whimper
Celebrating 30 Years of News and Entertainment at the largest gathering of Hispanic
print media in the United States by Kirk Whisler, winners in 91 categories.
César E. Chávez National Monument, official park of the National Park System
LULAC Acclaims Establishment of César E. Chávez National Monument in California
American Latino Heritage Fund Commits $150K to Establish the Home of
Iconic Leader
Proposed National Museum of the American Latino Needs Bipartisan Action
by Rosie Carbo
Friends of the American Latino Museum
Interior Designates 27 New National Landmarks Landmarks Honor Nation's
Cultural and Natural Heritage
Support Sought to Preserve the Trujillo Adobe in Riverside County, California
Dr. Hector P. Garcia and President Bill Clinton by Wanda Garcia
Honoring and Emulating my Ancestor's Accomplishments
by Margaret Morán, National President of LULAC
La Raza Unida Party de California: 1997-1974 by Jimmy Franco Sr.
Friedrich Katz, 1927-2010 Por Javier Garciadiego Dantan
Comparison of gasoline prices, 2008 and 2012
Bakken Company Boom: North Dakota Breaks Its Oil Production Record,
Capacity of the United States to Produce Oil
They left out the ocean as a source of energy
Federal Energy Failure
The Impact of Federal Regulations on U.S. Manufacturing
Proposed Budget Cuts
Anaheim doctor arrested in U.S. fraud sweep
Medicare Fraud Strike Force has brought charges against 91 people in 7 cities
Have a crackpot idea? Get government funding
Baptist Colleges Sue Federal Government Over HHS-Abortion Mandate
Hispanic and Women Farmers and Ranchers Claims Filing Period Now Open
Dreamer, A True American Story
Argentinian Constitution of 1853 based on the California Constitution of 1849
Food Justice on Four Wheels by Devon G. Peña
Culture Crisis" instead of a "Health Care Crisis by Starner Jones, M.D.
Heart Rescue Now
From the Perspective of Time by Daisy Wanda Garcia
Parent Institute for Quality Education
National Hispanic Business Woman Association, Adopt-a-Scholar
Enrollment Drops Again in Graduate Programs by Catherine Rampell
Matt Garcia Named Director of School of Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies Nahuatl, the Aztec language that once graced Canutillo Elementary
was displaced by pragmatism By Meili Robles
Arizona is not Alone in Having Banned the Study of Cultural Diversity and Ethnicity
in its Public Schools - New Mexico
Dia de los Muertos on Facebook, cartoon by Sergio Hernandez
McArthur Fellowships
Hatajo de negritos & Son de los Diablos: Two Fascinating Afro-Peruvian celebration
Bless Me, Ultima, review of the movie adapatation by Felipe de Ortego y Gasca
The Pence Gallery's Mission
Oral history interview with Judithe Hernandez, 1998
Documentaries, Living Portraits of Prominent Latinos, Volumes 1 and 11
Somos en escrito
The Poem as Spiritual Exercise
Red Herring: The Stinking Trail by Joe Sanchez and Mo Dhania
Militarizing the Border: When Mexicans Became the Enemy by Miguel Antonio Levario
Ernesto Uribe's Three Books
Mariachi for Gringos II by Gil Perry
El Camino to Jarales:Purgatorial Confessions with Don Manuel by Oscar S. Ramirez
El Rio by Michael Neale
Joe Belman, WWII Vet Receives Long Overdue Medals at JJC Ceremony (2009)
8 minute color film about the June 1942 Battle of Midway Island
Brigadier General Wiltz P. Segura
Long-missing Colorado Marine buried with full honors
65th Borinqueneers Seeking Recognition
American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans: Lasting Contributions
Lambeau Fiedl Honors Our Military
State of Washington Seeks donations of period uniforms
November 10th: The Tejano Battle of Medina
Battle of Medina to be taught in schools throughout Texas in the 7th grade
Gonzalo de Salazar
"Los Piscadores" postcard triggers memories for Tom Saenz
Resources for beginning research
Courthouse Research Tips from the Virtual Genealogy Conference
National Geographic's Genographic Project
November 10th: SHHAR Monthly meeting, Jerry P. Martinez
Alfredo Amezcua, New President of the Kiwanis Club of Santa Ana
Olive St. Westminster Reunion, Heroes Honor Presentation
McCoy-Hare House, Westminster, Built 1873-74
On the Tracks to the Westminster Mexican Barrio, 1870-1940, Part 5 of 6
Nov 2 & 3: Danza Floricanto/USA's
Nov 8: MALDEF 2012 Los Angeles Awards Gala
George Yepes: Los Angeles "Sacred Memories" "SPARC 35 Year Celebration
Los Angeles State Historic Park at the Cornfield--"A Heroic Monument" and
"A Symbol of Hope
Nov 13: A Pilot Fourth Grade Project, California's State Birthday by Galal Kernahan
Nov 18: Victor Villasenor's 20th annual potluck at the Villasenor rancho
New book by Villasenor: "Revenge of a Catholic Schoolboy"
Recognizing "Remarkable Mexicans" who have lived or are living in San Diego County
Royal Chicano Air Force
November 1: Reading by Arturo Madrid, In the Country of Empty Crosses:
The Story of a Hispano Protestant Family in Catholic New Mexico
From professor to politico: Joseph Gallegos
19th Century Photos of the American West
Photo of a Spanish rock inscription from 1726
The Eugene Acosta Marin papers
Salazar creates Sangre de Cristo Conservation Area
The Sernas of New Mexico Newsletter
Historic Clifton-Morenci Strike of 1915
History Often Trails But It Corrects Itself by Rodolfo F. Acuña
Louisiana Historical Center
The Young Lords in Lincoln Park Project at GVSU
Canary Islanders Heritage Society Mounted Display at Assumption Parish Library
Alhaurin de la Torre and New Iberia, Sister Cities
Angel of Goliad
Angel of Goliad - Francisca Alavez or Alvarez? by Dan Alvarez Garza
Report on 33rd Annual Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference by
José Antonio López
Eddie Garcia and Irma Saldana, in front of ancestral file created by Crispin Rendon
Conversos on the Rio Grande Frontier by conference presentor, Norman Rozeff
Presentor, José Adrián Barragán Shares Resources for Searching Among
Texas General Land Office Archives and Records
San Antonio 9th Annual San Antonio Founders Day
Delgado v. Bastrop Case and Photo of Delgado Lawyers, Michael A. Olivas
The Chicano Movement Changed Education in South Texas: Elpidio Lizcano
Annual Tejano Vigil in the Alamo Shrine
Exceeding Expectations: 3rd Annual Rosarito Beach International Mariachi and
Folklórico Festival by Gil Sperry
Historic Frida Kahlo photo returns to Mexico by Ron Gonzales
VII Reunion Internacional De Los Elizondo
Investigó y paleografió de Tte. Corl. Ricardo R. Palmerín Cordero.
Bautismo: Pedro Bernardino Español, Fué Presidente de la Republica.
Defuncion: Pedro Maria Anaya
Bautismo: Isidro Salazar Rodriguez
Bautismo: Ignacio Guerra Cañamar
Missions of Michoacán: San Nicolás de Obispo
Sacred Land Film Project
Countdown: The date is finally here! The end of a Mayan 5,125 year cycle.?
Video interview with the artist, James Ayers
Two Worlds: Lost Children of the Indian Adoption Projects.
Lack of Access to Health Care & Ancient Wisdom Behind Revival by Devon G. Peña
A Little Humor
Tomb of Maya queen K'abel discovered in Guatemala
Mexico: Mayan ball court was celestial 'marker'
Google Street View now available for Mexico archaeological sites
Nov 13: The Forgetting River by by Doreen Carvajal
Mongolian Spot by Mimi Lozano
Contemporary Sephardic Identity in the Americas
by Margalit Bejarano and Edna Aizenberg
Sephardim paper by Hebrew Bible teacher, Rabbi Joseph Zavala
A Place in the Heights, Jimmy Franco Sr.
Lost Legends: Cinematic Documentary Series and Traveling Exhibit
Wild Pigs May Be a Solution
Operation Pedro Pan Group, Inc.
Carmen Iris Veg crowned Miss Manati Puerto Rico in Chica
Argentinian Constitution of 1853 based on the California Constitution of 1849
Fundación Archivo Gráfico y Museo Histórico, San Francisco, Argentina
Zacapa, eastern Guatemala
Reminiscing The Days of Yore by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
First Filipinos in America landed in Morro Bay, California on October 18, 1587.
PARES – Important Research resources by Sonia Meza Morales and Debbie Gurtler
The surname LUACES, Peter E. Carp
Promocion del Idioma, El Instituto Cervantes por Angel Custodio Rebollo
Kingdom of the Canary Islands
Recipe for Derbyshire Oatcakes, sent by reader in England
This notification is sent as a service. If you prefer not to receive it, just let me know.
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