viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

{Genealogia Norte} 3344 Revista Genealogica en Linea: Somos Primos December 2016 - ​

Somos Primos  December 2016
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Although the sun is shiny brightly and my home is at peace,  December 7th, 1941 is very much in my mind.   I recall my feelings, 75 years ago, as an eight year old child hearing the family talk of a world conditions which seemed to be spinning out of control.

As a nation we have so much for which to be grateful, our lands are still producing and our buildings are still standing. Although natural disasters have added much to the world's current needs, in much of the world the  increasing conflict is sadly based on religious differences.  Social forces pushing from all directions.

I recently received a copy of the first Amendment to the US constitution.  I also recently heard a non-Christian radio caster , who said that even though he was of a different faith,  he eagerly joined in the celebrations of Christmas . . . .  because it was a traditional American holiday of spreading love and peace.

Amendment 1 to the Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people to peaceably  assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievance.

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. . . .
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas


Countdown to Pearl Harbor: The Twelve Days to the Attack by Steve Twomay
Pearl Harbor, Ellswell oil fields, and 9-11, historic attacks against the United States by Mimi Lozano
Profile of U.S. veterans is changing dramatically as their ranks decline by Gretchen Livingston
History Rocks:  Mount Rushmore, 75th Anniversary
Feeling Awe May Be the Secret to Health and Happiness by Paula Spencer Scott
Died from gunfire but came back from the dead with a tale of forgiveness
Fairfax gives its artists a stage in downtown San Anselmo, California
El Padrecito, Mexican American Parishioners from our Lady of Guadalupe Church by Gilberto Quezada
The Loss of a Loved One by Gilberto Quezada
History Archivist, author reminisces on Azteca, J. Gilberto Quezada by Odie Arambula
50th anniversary of the university's Educational Opportunity Program
Too Bad You're Latin by John Leguizamo
Reckless, a hero horse, a 'forgotten' war, both revisited
Victor Espinoza, is the first Mexican/Latino to win the Triple Crown!
Through horse-training program, inmates also learn to tame themselves by Rich Pedroncelli

Spanish Presence in Americas Roots (SPAR) Co-Founder Selected for High Honor
The Heritage Discovery Center, Inc., Rancho del Sueño
Hispanic Heritage Project

Texas Antes de El Alamo
Moises Austin obtience permiso para colonizar Texas
Introducing ​Dr. ​Carlos ​ Campos y Escalante

Ramon "Chunky" Sanchez  October 30, 1951 - October 28, 2016
Israel Cavazos Garza:  2 de enero de 1923 - 5 de noviembre de 2016
Armando Cruz   August 15, 1940 - November 1, 2016
Carrie Perez, wife of Honorary Granadero Rueben Perez

Santa Ana High art students painted a mural as a tribute to veterans.
A General Mattis Christmas Story
Innumerable Therapeutic benefits of Veterans working with horses
Hispanic Medal of Honor Comment
Just a Common Soldier Video
My brother, Leonard Ruiz
My home town girl on leave, Christmas 1944

Granaderos de Galvez visit Aue Elementary School  in San Antonio on Veterans Day

New Mexico's Stormy History: True Stories of Early Spanish Colonial Settlers and the
          Mestas/Maestas Families. by Elmer Eugene Maestas

DNA reveals third unknown group of human species

10 Questions for Better Story Ideas
Unique FamilySearch Center Opens in Layton, Utah
About FamilySearch and Its Historic Records Access Initiative

Educator Eduardo Padrón Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom by Brian Latimer
Aliso Niguel High's forensic classes turn students into detectives
Internships unlock doors to new ideas by David Whiting
The Real Reason Latinas Lag Behind in Educational Achievement
Tougher Times For Latino Students?  History Says They've Never Had It Easy by Claudio Sanchez

Christ's Burial Slab Uncovered for the First Time in Centuries
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Youtube: The Most Touching Speech Made by Bride's Father to the Groom
Oregon official who bullied Christian bakery owners loses election
A young man learns what's most important in life from the guy next door.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,  but by the moments that take our breath away

Valley High School celebrates Dia de los Muertos
Arthemus Ward Acord, Hollywood Cowboy
I've reflected some more on pachuco lexicon by Ray Padilla
Sabías que la Ñ se convirtió en símbolo de nuestro idioma
Mas castellano, menos anglicismos

The International Latino Book Awards
Speaking American, a visual guide by Josh Katz
See Something, Say Nothing  by Philip Haney & Art Moore
Latinos in the United States Series

Old Testament tabernacle rises in Fountain Valley
December 3, Christmas at Mission San Juan Capistrano
December 23, Fiesta Navidad: Mariachi Los Camperos de Nati Cano
Report on the SHHAR November Meeting and Presentation, Nov 12, 2016 by Catherine Luijt
Juan Vargas (1860-1951/52)
Domingo Bastanchury, Fame for Immigrant Boy, Started Bastanchury Ranch by Roch Bradshaw

Dec 1-2, 2016: La Virgen de Guadalupe, Dios Inantzin play, in Spanish with music and dance
Cathedral City's 35th annual Balloon Festival, November 18-20 occasion for the unveiling of the
     Lalo Guerrero statue by Ignacio Gomez
House of Aragon by Michael S. Perez, Chapter Twenty Three, "Getting Even "
L.A. poet laureate Luis Rodriguez closing out his reign as Los Angeles Poet
December 10 through January 21, 2017:  "A Change is Gonna Come"

December 19th Annual Nuestra Imagen Awards, Long Beach, California
Photos:  Before and After photos of San Francisco Earthquake
Photos: San Ysidro and the Tijuana River Valley
Sean Oliu, 14 year old singer (Mariachi and American) Yorba descendent, Early California families.
Cayetano "The Great" Bosque, 1828-1902
Last-ditch effort to save Italian immigrant's San Jose home
Celebrating the City of San Jose's 239th Birthday at the Peralta Adobe

Why we don't mention my great-grandfather's name by Aaron A. Abeyta
Unique FamilySearch Center Opens in Layton, Utah

Sutter the Mustang, Named ASPCA Horse of the Year
Short Bios of Tucson, Arizona Leaders by Thomas Pollack
Los Descendientes del Presidio de Tucson
Ed Editor Bids Farewell to Frontera NorteSur by Kent Patterson
Un Agente de Cambio Inesperado para los Nativos Americanos: El Caballo by Migues Nicolas Caretta

Tejanos Through Time, Selection from the Handbook of Tejano History, TSHA
Texas State Historical Association, selections from . . . On This Day
Granaderos de Galvez visit Aue Elementary School  in San Antonio on Veterans Day
Birth of the Wichita Oil Field

Christmas Season in the Country - The Learning Years 1945-1950 by Rudy Padilla
Caminos: The Spirit of Marcos De Leon by Rudy Padilla
Chicago: Young Lords in Lincoln Park
New Orleans: In Remembrance of Our Ancestors

San Pedro y Miquelón, un archipiélago de tradición vasca en Norteamérica
Colonial Jews, Who Knew? An exhibition at the New-York Historical Society
La Guerra de los Castores, conflicto más sangriento de la historia de América del Norte  por Jorge Alvarez
December 17, 2016:  The Posadas of Old St. Augustine, St. Augustine, Florida

Sounds of Ancient Mexico by Martin Espino
Bautismo de Indios de las Naciones: Apache, Comanche y Julimeños

How a Troubadour Daniel Toledano Is Reconnecting With His Sephardic Heritage
Sephardic Music Performing Groups

National Trust's involvement and support of the Rosenwald Schools

Mexican Experts Say Original Pyramid Found at Chichen Itza

Emperor Agustín de Iturbide, The Iron Dragon
In Mexico There Are No Mexicans:  Decolonization and Modernization, 1750-1850
The Mexican Cultural Revolution: Vasconcelos, Indians, Anthropologists and Calendar Girls
Don Carlos Nevel, Ingeniero, Arquitecto y pintor
Students head to Illinois to ask for return of Santa Anna's fake leg to Mexico
Comunidades Francesas en Mexico
Batalla de Monterrey, 1846
Con el matrimonio de mis 5° Abuelos confirmo mis raíces africanas e indígenas.
Juan Mata Ortiz y el Indio Victorio, Jefe de los Apaches Chiricahuas.
LIV Reuniòn Ordinaria de la Asociaciòn Estatal de Cronistas e Historiadores de Coahuila, A.C.,
     Nava, Coah.  Noviembre 5-6, 2016
Don Pedro Advìncula Valdès, (1840-1887), Coronel de Caballerìa de Auxiliares del Ejèrcito.
The culture of La Calavera Catrina and its ties to Europe and Mesoamerica

La llegada del caballo a las Américas
Defending Our Island's History: On The War Against "War Against All Puerto Ricans"
By Nelson A. Denis

General Historia de Colombia
El Instituto de San Felipe y Santiago de Estudios Historicos de Salta y El Centro de Investigaciones Genealogicas de Salta
Las mujeres en la conquista, mujeres de armas tomar:
Empresarias, matriarcas, encomenderas, gobernadoras, adelantadas y fundadoras.
Alonso de Arellano, El Capitan del Primer Tornaviaje

Alonso de Arellano, El Capitan del Primer Tornaviaje

The Subject of Love, a Brief Note by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.

Over 26 Million Spanish Records Added to Geneanet
Historia Ignorada
La Fundación Casa Medina Sidonia
Diego Rodriquez de Vivar . . Hijo varón del CID

A Christmas in China by Felipe de Ortego y Gasca
India and UNESCO: Historical View vs. Jihad View
El Tratado de Tordesillas

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