sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2014

{Genealogia Norte} 2751 Fwd: [Genealogia] The link provided is the new research on the...​ Francisco Baez de Benavides is a descendant of the last royal family of Gran Canaria Islands (they were Guanche).

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From: Levi Villarreal
Date: 2014-12-27 5:28 GMT-06:00
Subject: [Genealogia] The link provided is the new research on the...

Levi Villarreal
Levi Villarreal 27 de diciembre de 2014 5:28
The link provided is the new research on the ancestors of Capt. Francisco Baez Benavides, conquistador of Nuevo Leon, conducted by the reputable Genealogical Society of the Canary Islands. According to the research,
Francisco Baez de Benavides is a descendant of the last royal family of Gran Canaria Islands (they were Guanche). His ancestors also became conquistadors of the island of Tenerife in 1493. His ancestor Autindana was the brother to princess Tenesoya who married Maciot Bethancourt. The paper work to his ancestry exist to prove his descent; not to mention Tenesoya noble papers as well. Please contact the society via their facebook or email if you have questions and to thank them for this invaluable research. http://segeheca.blogspot.com/2014/05/conferencia-los-ara-una-familia-de.html

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