martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

{Genealogia Norte} 2532 Revista Genealogica en Línea: Somos Primos March 2014 15th Year Online

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Dear Primos and Friends:

This issue will fill you with both hope and pride. We are finally seeing the evidence of our contributions and accomplishments, in all areas of endeavor: education, labor, military, business and the arts.

A State of Texas historical plaque honoring Dr. Hector P. Garcia was unveiled on February 28th in Corpus Christi. A documentary on Cesar Chavez will be viewed across the country in March, 19 Latinos will have their Silver Stars, raised to Medal of Honor on March 18th, and we excelled at the academy awards.

To all who have contributed articles and tidbits, thank you, thank you, thank you. I invite everyone to send your family stories, small or large. Don't be hesitant. Everyone's life matters. History answers questions. Your experiences might have the piece missing for someone else's insight and understanding of their own life.

If you read about the accomplishments of a Latino, send it along, so that we can all applaud his/her success. . . .
If you sent an article or tidbit for submission and it has not appeared, please send it again. In the process of updating my
AOL version, I lost a bunch of files that were being stored for inclusion in Somos Primos.

Enjoy your St. Patrick Day . .


Hector P. Garcia, M.D. Plaque unveiled
What the Film “Latino Americans” Offers and Misses by Dr. Cynthia E. Orozco
Big Oscar Wins for Latinos by Kirk Whisler
New Organization Launches to Help More Latinas Realize Their Political Dreams
The Under-represented Latina
Cuento: How Education Can Lead to Freedom by Wanda Garcia
Cuento: Conciencia: Knowing Yourself, from The Power of Latino Leadership by Juana Bordas
Hispanic Marketing 101
Ghosts of a forgotten war: By Snejana Farberov
NCLR Affiliates

Hernando de Soto and the Mississippi River
Cuento: Apology Act for the 1930's Mexican Repatriation Program
Saul David Alinsky: Founder of modern community organizing
Mini-Bio: María Coronel becomes "the Woman in Blue"

Dr. Henry J. Casso, activist, educator passed on Feb 25, 2014

Statue: kneeling soldier and small Iraqi girl
Cuento: Wrong-Way Brazilians by Daniel L. Polino
Poster of the USS Gonzalez, named after Freddy Gonzalez, Medal of Honor Recipient
Cuento: A Cause Worth Fighting For, Michael Behenna
Cuento: The Ladies at the Base by Raul Guerra
Cuento: The Gold Star by Raul Garza
Vietnam POWs May 24, 1973 and May 24, 2013
AARP Endorsement & Jacksonville CGM Radio Interview
Best Soldier/Dog Reunion Video Ever

Visit Mexico City with the Granaderos y Damas de Galvez, Houston Chapter, June 5th- June 8th
Thank you letter from Teresa Valcarce
Fundraising Effort for the Bernardo de Galvez statue
Granaderos and the Cross of Burgundy Flag by Joe Perez

Brito Beginnings, DeLeon Families by Marie Brito

Oldest human DNA found in Spain by Elizabeth Landau
Montana Prehistoric Boy May Be Native American 'Missing Link'

Another Writing Project
The BYUtv Generations Project
Request Information from Salt Lake Family History Library
FamilySearch to Make Millions of Obituaries Searchable Online
FamilySearch Adds More Than 4.5 Million Indexed Records and Images to Collections

March 27: Latino Education and Advocacy Days Summit
LEAD Publications for FREE
Photo: Grandpa Anthony Santiago shares a sports hero
Educational Attainment in the United States: 2013
The Herman Baca Papers (1964-2013)
What a Future Latino Majority Holds for California? by Jimmy Franco Sr.
Why New Mexico’s Latino Students Top Nation on AP Tests by Jorge Rivas

The Walk-on, The Proud and Damned By Ernesto Uribe
UTube: The best of Modern Tango
UTube: Izzy Sanabria Great 1964 Welcome in Japan
UTube: UTube: Ballet Folklórico de México de Amalia Hernández

Coming Soon: 1990-1999 Somos Primos quarterly print issues available on DVD
2013 Winners from the Int'l Latino Book Awards as either a PDF or as a word document
2014 NACCS Tejas Fiction Awards
From the Republic of the Rio Grande: Personal History of the Place and the People
by Beatriz de la Garza
Spain: The Forgotten Alliance, Independence of the United States
by Martha Gutierrez Steinkamp

Saturday March 8th, SHHAR monthly meeting: Judge Fredrick Aguirre, presenter
Cesar Chavez - Pioneer, Patriot, Humanitarian - Little known facts and photographs
Documentary, Parade and Rally for Cesar Chavez
Cuento: Lost Mitten in Disneyland, written by Sylvia N. Contreras
During March, O.C. Center for Contemporary Arts show, honors Emigdio Vasquez
March 8, 2014 , Santa Ana's Fire Department's History in a Working Fire Station!
National Hispanic Business Women Association Scholarship, Southern California students

Seal of Los Angeles County, California
Cuento: Apology Act for the 1930's Mexican Repatriation Program
Mini-Bio: Estela Lopez, new partner in the firm of Kindel Gagan
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Newsletter
Ruben Salazar: Man in the Middle, PBS documentary premieres on PBS Tuesday, April 29
Roger Rabbit and the Great Angelino Land Robbery by Rodolfo F. Acuna

Cuento: May 14: Day of the Teacher
Cuento: Recollection and memories of my father By Angel Cortinas
Cuento: Our Aunt Phoebe by Eva Booher
Your Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Day of the Teacher, Assignment by Galal Kernahan
Mini-bio: Joaquin Murrietta, The California Desperado by Ray John de Aragon
What a Future Latino Majority Holds for California? By Jimmy Franco Sr.

Utah mom buys all of store's 'indecent' t-shirts

Cuento: The Land Tells Who We are in the St. Luis Valley by Claire Marie O'Brien
Cuento: My brother, Juan Dolores Romero by Annie Romero Oldfield
Mini-Bio: Fray Angelico Chavez: The Sage from Wagon Mound by John Ray de Aragon
and and Anticipation Guide by Rosa Maria Calles
Why New Mexico’s Latino Students Top Nation on AP Tests by Jorge Rivas
Cuento: Dorinda Moreno's childhood and Sixtieth anniversary of the film Salt of the Earth

Cuento: A Flood of Memory by Margarita B. Velez
Photos: Laredo Floods, 1948 & 1954
Cuento: A Cheap Date by Margarita B. Velez
Cuento: Beneath the Shadow of the Capitol by Ramon Moncivais, Chapter 4
Cuento: Swimming in the Brazos River by Odell Harwell
Cuento: A Visit from Two Angels by Yomar Villarreal Cleary
219th birthday celebration of José Antonio Navarro
February 27, 1850 South Texas separatists proclaim Territory of the Rio Grande
Forgotten Fourteen Freedom Fighters of Texas By José Antonio López
Mini-bio: Teodoro Zamora’s Commission By Alice L. Baumgartner
Handbook of Texas Seeks Support

El día de la Bandera en México
Joseph Luiz Vicente. Indio Apache
Don José Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi " El Pensador Mexicano "

Photo: Steamboats on the Mississippi River in 1907
UTube: Los Isleños Fiesta of St. Bernard, Louisiana
French Colonial Records, 1732-1819, Natchitoches Parish Louisiana, Creole Heritage Center
The Attakapas Historical Association

Painting: They called it La Florida
March 8, 2014: 17th-Century Military Muster at Mission San Luis, Tallahassee, Florida
Cuento: Cooking Lessons by Daisy Martinez
Cuento: Once upon a time, there lived a street cop by the name of Joe Sanchez
Harvard History Department Adds Latin American Scholars

LDS Church Making Strides Preserving African Family Histories
About Genealogy: Researching African-American & Other Ethnic Ancestors From Kimberly Powell

Survivors of Captivity: Known Captive Indians in Southern Colorado, 1860-1880 by Virginia Sanchez
Photo: A mountain of bison skulls ready to be ground into fertilizer in the 1870's.
Photo: Michigan loggers in 1890

17th New York Sephardic Festival, March 13-20, 2014
The Long Road Home by Kobi Ben-Simhon
Finding Their Way Home by Andree Aelion Brooks

Ancient Native American village found in downtown Miami, slated for massive development

Libro genealogías del Suroeste Antioqueño Por Luis Álvaro Gallo Martínez.

Cuento: The Harana Article, An Update by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
Cuento: Dr. Jose P. Rizal: National Hero of the Philippines

Cuento: Grace & Drake Fenn research on Sephardim Anusim in Spain
El Gran Mito del Oro por Angel Custodio Rebollo
Spanish Jews: Reports of new Sephardic citizenship law, premature by Marion Fischel, Sam Sokol
Spain: Sephardic Jews are Welcome Back... Maybe by Soeren Kern

Customers Wait When Muslim Clerks Won’t Touch “Dirty” Pork or Alcohol by Rick Wells

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