martes, 27 de agosto de 2013

{Genealogia Norte} 2310 Somos Primos September 2013 156th Online Issue

Dear Primos and Friends:

The September Table of Contents is below, but first I want to share the following good news:

The Westminster, California City Council,  passed a Resolution on July 24th honoring all Hispanics/Latinos.

 In the past, members of my local LULAC  Chapter 3017, often requested and  were successful  in having the City of Westminster make a Proclamation in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month.

This year, City Councilman Sergio Contreras, a LULAC member, went one step further.  He proposed a City Resolution be passed that every year the City of Westminster recognized Hispanic Heritage Month, not as a result of a citizen request, but as a City Council.  Hooray for Sergio!!

I share this, hopeful that other groups will emulate Sergio's action in their city.  Call your Mayor's office, and ask what is needed to request either a City Proclamation or Resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month.

Best wishes . . .  Mimi

The City of Westminster will recognize Sept 15 - Oct 15 of  EVERY YEAR as National Hispanic Heritage Month Duly signed and approved, sent by City Council Member, Sergio Contreras

WHEREAS, each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America; and
WHEREAS, the observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15, and this was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402; and
WHEREAS, the day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period; and
WHEREAS, National Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to celebrate the spirit and accomplishments of Hispanic Americans everywhere including dedication to of service in the Armed Forces.  These proud patriots have fought in every war since our founding, and many have earned the Medal of Honor for their courage
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Tri Ta, Mayor of the City of Westminster, on behalf of Mayor Pro Tem Quach, City Council Members Diana Lee Carey, Sergio Contreras, and Margie L. Rice, resolve September 15 through October 15,  of each year as National Hispanic Heritage Month.

PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of July, 2013
          I, ROBIN L. ROBERTS, do hereby certify that I am the duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Westminster, and that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Westminster held on the 24th day of July, 2013.


Flight Delta 15, Story written by Annette Stokes
Photo: New World Trade Center
Joe Torrillo, World Trade Center Collapse Survivor
PBS Series: "Latino Americans" to Premiere
Dr. Maribel Garcia, Wise Latina by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
Scout Town Hosted Jamboree, 1953
Ernesto Uribe at age 13 Makes Eagle Scout, 1975
13 Men Out, by Mark Whicker
Use of Languages Other than English in the U.S. on the Rise
We Need Saints, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Somos Primos joined by Los Islenos Heritage and Cultural Society
Seeing the Sights in New Orleans
Hurricane Katrina Monument
Touro Infirmary, 1852
The Mississippi River
Plaza de Espana
Cemetery Experience
Garden District
A Visit to the Los Isleños Heritage & Cultural Society Museum

Founding of St. Augustine, Florida 1565 Reenactment
Juan Ponce de Leon, Landed in Florida in 1513
Latinos by Geography:
Hispanic population growth since 1980 by the Pew Hispanic Center
American Latinos and the Making of the United States
Facts and Figures on the Hispanic US Population

The Battle of Medina a Fight to the Last Man by Dan Arellano
Recalling Hiroshima and Nagasaki

General Eisenhower Warned Us

The Long Knives By Felipe de Ortego y Gasca

David Adame: April 11, 1918 to August 6, 2013
Ruth Lujan Perez: July 9, 1919 to August 2, 2013
Faustina Solis: April 28, 1923 to August 4, 2013
Roy G. Martinez: May 4, 1927 to August 6, 2013
Arthur Gonzalez Botello: April 2, 1930 to August 17, 2013

Neither Republican nor Democrats
Hispanic Staffing Declines in the Newsrooms
To All Nations Who Helped Us with Hurricane Sandy & Oklahoma
Bracero program supplies labor during World War II, August 4, 1942
Back to Bracero, The Death of the Chicano Left by Rodolfo F. Acuna
According to a National Assessment of Education Progress, 2011 Study
Federal Policies Being Shaped by Whom?
Authorities stop panga boat with $4 million in pot
1983 copper miners' strike in Clifton-Morenci, Arizona

Una Plática de Curanderismo, By Carol Mondello Tapia de Settle, MPH
Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Why I Changed my Mind on Weed

Relay for Life Luminaria Ceremony
Firm Action on Obesity Crisis Urged

Flores Familiares/Family Flowers, Embroidery
DFW International Community Alliance
St. Anthony the Abbot, Augustinian Desert Father
YouTube: Super Spanish Dance and Music
YouTube: Pie Jesu Forte
YouTubes: Musico de Barcelona

What is Pathway?
Open Education Database
Video: Latino College Completion in 50
High School Drop-out Rate at Record Low
Pathway, BYU Ricks Innovative Support
Suing Alma Mater by Michael A. Olivas

Oct 2-5th: 31st Annual Convention of the National Association of Hispanic Publications
Voice of the Mainland
Somos en Escrito Seeking Collaborators
UNZ, Resource of diverse magazines
Jose de Sousa Saramago, Portuguese writer, 1998 Noble Prize in Literature
The Passion of Benjamin Sáenz, A Border Poet Rises from the Ashes by Cecilia Ballí

South of the Tracks: 100 Years of Memories
Latinos at the Golden Gate by Tomas F. Summers Sandoval Jr.
The Story of the Mexican Heritage on Catalina Island by Marcelino Saucedo.
A World Not to Come, A History of Latino Writing and Print Culture by Raul Coronado

Century of Valor by Rogelio C. Rodriguez
WWII Austin Veterans Being Flown to see World War II Memorial in Washington, DC
Bilingual Veterans Resources
Genealogy and Military Records

Garcia Lore by Daisy Wanda Garcia
I, Lorenzo Lozano was born in 1893
Sink the Bismark, a short story by Ben Romero
Mike Brito's Memories , compiled, with notes by Marie Brito, Part 2
Among the tree tops, A personal rite of passage. By Ruben Alvarez, Jr.

Septiembre 9-14, 2013, Familias Que Cruzaron Fronteras Conferencia
100,000 Books Have Been Fully Scanned
New Indexed Record Collections from WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War
Signatures and Handwriting Analysis: Is it the Same Man? by Kimberly Powell
Oct 17-19th: Grass Valley Symposium, California Conference of Historical Societies

Sept 7, 2013: "The ABCs and Ñ of America's Cultural Evolution" by Jim Estrada
Sept 14, 2013: SHHAR Monthly Meeting
Sept 28, 2013: Santa Ana Logan Barrio Reunion
Oct 2-5, 2013: National Association of Hispanic Publications, Inc.
Oct 12: 8th Annual Anaheim Mariachi Festival 2013

Oct 2-3: California's Latino/a History: The Stories Beneath the Stories
OneLite Outreach, Pomona, CA, August 10, 2013
Ruminating: There, but for the grace of God, Go I, by Rodolfo F. Acuña
Avenue 50 Studio's 6th Semi-Annual Fundraiser and Art Auction

Oct 2-3: California's Latino/a History: The Stories Beneath the Stories
Photo: San Francisco After the 1906 Earthquake
Albert Camarillo, Calif Historian on Juana Briones de Miranda & 19th Century, CA

Pioneers of Spanish-speaking Congregations in Utah: Zuñiga family's reunion
Introducing Isabel Quintana Zuniga Hutchins
Mexican Mormon History Museum, Provo, Utah
Latino Mormons: The LDS Church's Fastest Growing Group
Rosalinda Mendoza Appointed to Yakima Valley Community College Board of Trustees
Before Chainsaws in the Lumber Industry of the Pacific Northwest

Defending History/Culture of Ciudad Juarez, Ciudad Juarez News, August 6, 2013
Dos Repúblicas Coal Partnership Appeals Consolidated by José G. Landa
From the Republic of the Rio Grande: A Personal History of the Place and the People
          by Beatriz de la Garza.

Photo: Three-story "Coon Duck Blind" (on Bayou Self, Louisiana)
The Season of Autumn by Eddie AAA Calderon, Ph.D.
Pope Francis 1's message to the Youth in 2013 by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
Ecuadorian Street Fiesta in Minneapolis, Minnesota By Eddie Calderon, Ph.D.
Native Spanish Speaking Presence in Minnesota for over 100 Years by Margaret A. Villanueva, Ph.D.
Report by William de Marigny Hyland, Director, Los Islenos Museum Complex
Papers: Colonial and Territorial Louisiana at the Historic New Orleans Collection

Photo of the Great Hurricane of 1900
A&M-CC curator is hard position to fill by Daisy Wanda Garcia of Austin
2013 Tejano Heritage Month
Sept 7/ Sept 12/ Sept 14/ Sept 28: Save Tejano History Lecture Series, Free
Hosted by Battle of Medina Historical Society
Oct 10-12, 2013 Battlefield Archeology: Global Perspectives in Research/Preservation
Oct 11-13th, 34th Annual Texas State Hispanic Genealogical Conference, Victoria
Oct. 25-27, 2013: Spain and the Independence of the United States, in San Antonio
Famous Texas Missionary Dies in Mexico City 1726
Pirate Louis Michel Aury resigned Mexican commission to rule Galveston Island, 1817
Announcing 2014 NACCS Tejas Award for Books of Non-Fiction

El Museo de Historia del Mormonismo en Mexico
Entre sillares, maderos y barrotes. La prision en Monterrey, Siglos, XVII al XX
XIV Reunion Internacional de Historiadores de Mexico
Families of Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Vol. 7

Informacion que sigue mandado por Ricardo Palmerin Cordero
Colegio Militar de Popotla
Ancestros del Historiador Alvaro Canales Santos
Matrimonio Don Manuel Felipe Canales Sobrevilla
y Doña María Feliciana Tamés Benavides
Bautismo de José Eutiquio Canales Tamés.
Bautismo de José Porfirio Canales Cadena.
Matrimonio del Sargento Mayor del Regimiento de Lanceros de Veracruz Don José
Ynacio Yberri y Doña María Luis Ytuarte.
El Museo de Historia del Mormonismo en Mexico
Bautismo de Doña María Josepha de la Luz Allende y Unzaga

The Iroquois Are Not Giving Up

Archaeological students Comb Desert to Preserve Immigrant Trail
Giant Maya Carvings Found in Guatemala by Ker Than
Inca Child Sacrifice Victims Were Drugged
1,300 Year-Old Moche Feathered Shield Discovered in Peru Temple

1945 - German POWs weep as they watch footage of a German concentration camp.
Last-Names of forcibly converted Jews in Mexico, tried by the Spanish Inquisition
Maps and History Showing the Divisions of Israel

Africans in Mexico: History, Race and Place by Alva Moore Stevenson
Mulatta Women Healing Communities, Answering to Inquisition, 17th century Mexico

September 7th,  Founding of St. Augustine, Florida 1565 Reenactment

Street Named for Puerto Rican Artist Rafael Tufiño

Click to Middle America, three articles by Eddie Calderon, Ph.D.
The Season of Autumn by Eddie AAA Calderon, Ph.D.
Pope Francis 1's message to the Youth in 2013 by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
Ecuadorian Street Fiesta in Minneapolis, Minnesota By Eddie Calderon, Ph.D.

Iglesia de Santa Maria de Los Reyes, Grijalba, Burgos
Juan Millan
How to Celebrate the Muslin Festival of Sacrifice in Spain

Book by G. Roland Vela Muzaquiz Clarifies  the Current Conflict in Gibraltar for Mimi Lozano Caroline Otero, courtesan, the most sought after woman in all of Europe
Beresan District Odessa Regional Interest Group

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