---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Inclan <fromgalveston@yahoo.com>
Date: 2013/7/10
Subject: La tia de mis sobrinos
To: Genealogical Group <genealogia-mexico-centro@googlegroups.com>, Leticia De Los Santos <doctoralety@hotmail.com>
Carmen de los Santos de Coindreau was born October 19, 1911 in Nueva Rosita, Coahuila, Mexico. She grew up in San Antonio, Texas where her father, Fortunato de los Santos, owned a furniture store, and was one of the founders of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Her mother, who died very young, was a Tarin, whose family came from the Canary Islands, Spain. Carmen attended grade school and high school at Incarnate Word. In 1935 she married her beloved husband, Robert A. Coindreau, and they were devoted to each other for 48 years of marriage until his death in 1983. For many years they ran a successful restaurant on Broadway called "El Charro." Many friends and relatives from Mexico and the US treasured her friendship and sought her skilled advice and wisdom. She is survived by her nephew, Eduardo (Lalo) Martinez, his children Kim and Mark and Mark (Colleen) Martinez the son of her deceased nephew, Fortunato (Tito). She is also survived by many, many nieces and nephews who loved her dearly as well as a host of loving friends and relatives. Visitation will begin on Thursday at 5:00 P.M. with a Rosary to be recited at 7:00 P.M. at the Angelus Chapel. Funeral Mass will be offered on Friday at 10:30 A.M. at St. Matthew's Catholic Church. Interment will follow in San Fernando Archdiocesan Cemetery No. 2. Condolences may be sent to the Coindreau family at www.theangelusfuneralhome.com.
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From: John Inclan <fromgalveston@yahoo.com>
Date: 2013/7/10
Subject: La tia de mis sobrinos
To: Genealogical Group <genealogia-mexico-centro@googlegroups.com>, Leticia De Los Santos <doctoralety@hotmail.com>
Carmen de los Santos de Coindreau was born October 19, 1911 in Nueva Rosita, Coahuila, Mexico. She grew up in San Antonio, Texas where her father, Fortunato de los Santos, owned a furniture store, and was one of the founders of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Her mother, who died very young, was a Tarin, whose family came from the Canary Islands, Spain. Carmen attended grade school and high school at Incarnate Word. In 1935 she married her beloved husband, Robert A. Coindreau, and they were devoted to each other for 48 years of marriage until his death in 1983. For many years they ran a successful restaurant on Broadway called "El Charro." Many friends and relatives from Mexico and the US treasured her friendship and sought her skilled advice and wisdom. She is survived by her nephew, Eduardo (Lalo) Martinez, his children Kim and Mark and Mark (Colleen) Martinez the son of her deceased nephew, Fortunato (Tito). She is also survived by many, many nieces and nephews who loved her dearly as well as a host of loving friends and relatives. Visitation will begin on Thursday at 5:00 P.M. with a Rosary to be recited at 7:00 P.M. at the Angelus Chapel. Funeral Mass will be offered on Friday at 10:30 A.M. at St. Matthew's Catholic Church. Interment will follow in San Fernando Archdiocesan Cemetery No. 2. Condolences may be sent to the Coindreau family at www.theangelusfuneralhome.com.
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(desde mi Blackberry
Benicio Samuel Sanchez
Genealogista e Historiador Familiar
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(Élder J. Richard Clarke, Liahona julio de 1989, pág.69)
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