miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

{Genealogia Norte} 1762 Enthusiasm for Family History Grows Among the Hispanic Community in Las Vegas, Nevada


Spanish FH Conf

The annual Family Expo, which took place during July 7-10, 2012 as part of teh NCLR (National Council of La Raza) national conference, was a great success. A key objective was motivating people to learn more about their ancestors. Thousands of people received the "How Do I Start My Family History?" information guide, as well as other information and brochures about Family Search products in English and Spanish.

During the four days of the 2012 NCLR Family Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada, local visitors came in family groups and their attention was immediately caught by a 10 foot banner reading "Start Your Family History Today." This motivated many to approach the booth and start to ask all kinds of questions about how to find their ancestors; even from other countries! The team of hosts was lead by Mimi Lozano, founder and director of "Somos Primos" the oldest and largest on line publication dedicated to Hispanic Heritage.

The families received a detailed explanation regarding the Family Search products (Forums, Wiki, Facebook communities, etc.) and how to access them on the internet. They were very surprised when they were told that it is a free website. One attendee commented, "I always wanted to know more about my great grandfather who came here around the 1900s, but I thought it would be impossible." Another enthusiastic visitor said, "I can't imagine that such an amount of records is available!"

Lorena and Ricardo Ascencion, a very friendly couple who are consultants at the Las Vegas Multi-Regional Family History Center, which is one of several family history center throughout Nevada. They were part of the team that explained to families how to start their own research. They also gave information about the 1940 Census Indexing project and extended invitations to register and participate. All the attendees received an invitation to visit the Las Vegas Multi-Regional Family History Center in order to learn more about the huge collection of records for Latin America and Spain which are online. Have you noticed all the collections on line for Latin America and Spain?

Las Vegas Multi-Regional Family History Center is located at 509 S 9th St. Las Vegas, NV 89107 Tel. (702) 382-9695

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