lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

{Genealogia Norte} 943 News on Indexing and Record Availability


We are excited to announce that, with three weeks of the year left, our indexing volunteers have completed over 160 million records. New projects now available include records from Canada, England, Russia, and the United States. Completed collections that will soon be available on include records from these countries as well as from Germany. So far this year, over 100 million new records from countries too numerous to list have been added to the beta search site. Visit and click on the All Record Collections link to see how many countries are represented.

We hope this information has been helpful to you, and we appreciate all that you do to help move family history forward.




(desde mi WebMail)

Benicio Samuel Sanchez
Cell Phone (81) 1667-2480

"Haz tu Arbol Genealogico...El Arbol mas Hermoso de la Creacion"

Por medio de la historia familiar descubrimos el árbol más hermoso de la creación: nuestro árbol genealógico. Sus numerosas raíces se remontan a la historia y sus ramas se extienden a través de la eternidad. La historia familiar es la expresión extensiva del amor eterno; nace de la abnegación y provee la oportunidad de asegurarse para siempre una unidad familiar".
(Élder J. Richard Clarke, Liahona julio de 1989, pág.69)

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