martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

{Genealogia Norte} 779 Correction: New Address for Training Site (No WWW)

September 21, 2010

                                                                                                                                Information and tips

Correction: New Address for Training Site (No WWW)

Dear Consultant,

The update of the New FamilySearch Training Database is now complete.  You can access the training database at and sign in with your LDS Account.

Here are a couple changes that have been made:

·         The exercises have been updated to include additional practice scenarios.

·         The pedigree has been updated to include individuals with unknown or wrong gender, more instances of match and combine, and more opportunities to practice submitting names for temple work.

After completing the exercises, we would encourage you to expire your account and begin using the new FamilySearch at

Please note:  On the Pedigree with Details view, the Maps option is unavailable at this time.  Also, in the Help with This Page section, the Common Questions are still under construction.  These two features will be made available as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.

FamilySearch Support 

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